Hello there,
My name is Lori Larson and I am the President of my company, Arion Ventures, Inc.
I spent nearly 30 years in international marketing and corporate communications – I was blessed to travel the world, training, coaching, presenting, consulting, doing trade shows, and marketing presentations – working with individuals, small businesses and large corporations helping empower their teams.
My life was already incredible when I fulfilled my two biggest personal dreams. First, I completed my masters degrees in Business and Leadership, and graduated with highest honors. Second, I bought a failing business and turned it around in a declining economy. And then, it got even better. I was Florida’s Business Woman of the Year for two consecutive years and was invited to Washington, DC where I received my award at a dinner hosted by the President of the United States. And I was invited and served for three years as an Honorary Chairman on the Small Business Advisory to the President.
My business was growing. I was making a difference in the community and I was able to continue teaching, coaching and consulting with small businesses while my bricks and mortar business thrived. I was living my dream. Self employed, well known and respected in the community, successful, and living with passion and joy.
But God had something else in mind. Something that I would never have seen. Something I had never considered. Something I would never have looked for.
This is what happened.
In 2011, my health began to fail and I was experiencing chronic hoarseness. After a myriad of tests, examinations and second opinions, it was confirmed that my extremely enlarged thyroid was pressing on my vocal chords and causing the hoarseness. The main problem however, was that they believed I had thyroid cancer.
I’ve heard it said that “if you have to have cancer, thyroid cancer is the one to have.” Well, I don’t know who actually said that, but when you hear that dreaded diagnosis something inside you changes forever. The only answer was surgery – and as quickly as possible – to remove my thyroid and begin whatever chemotherapy or replacement therapy the results of a complete biopsy dictated.
The surgery was successful and after a very stressful 10 days of awaiting the final results, it was determined that I was cancer free. There aren’t adequate words to express how joyful and relieved I was at that wonderful news. My doctors remained confident that after the swelling from my surgery went down, I would regain my voice.
The doctors were wrong.
After several months of being told to be patient while my body healed, I was still not able to talk – not even in a hoarse whisper – and any attempt resulted in acute and ongoing pain.
Another series of tests was performed. My doctors were shocked to discover that my vocal cords had been eroded and were no longer touching.
They determined this had happened because of a very rare esophageal problem. What had been thought of as one health problem – my enlarged thyroid – had actually been two completely separate issues. And having gone so long without a proper diagnosis, my vocal chords were now permanently damaged. All subsequent tests and specialists confirmed that there was no treatment available and no hope for repair.
So what do you do when the life you have known ceases to exist?
Like most people would, I grieved, I raged, I wallowed.
And over the next six months I sold my business, and went into a self-imposed exile. My dreams were gone. My hopes were smashed. I felt angry, lost, confused, and I was in physical pain. But after a few months, and with the love, care and encouragement from my incredible family and friends, I knew I couldn’t go on like this. Something had to change.
I Needed To Empower Myself
Having always been an active and upbeat person, I knew that my wallowing had to end. I needed to empower myself, but I was at such a low that I couldn’t even imagine how.
The answer came when an invitation arrived in the mail for a conference about success. I had attended a few of these type of events in the past and was (so thankful for this) still on the mailing list. When I saw the line up of speakers I knew I had to attend. Michael J Fox was one of the guest speakers, and as you may or may not know, he has managed to maintain a positive attitude even with a debilitating early onset of Parkinson’s that took away his career as a film and television star. Additional motivational and inspirational speakers were listed – including T. Harv Eker, and Les Brown.
During that two-day conference, I sat silent and riveted. Tears of realization, letting go of anger and pain, and, finally, understanding rolled down my cheeks, and then a spark of well-being and hope began to burn in me. Michael J. Fox spoke of the finding the strength to continue, T. Harv Eker revealed secrets of how to tap into your inner power through affirmations and direction, but when Les Brown took the stage, my vision shifted.
“Everyone is going to have trials in life,” he said. “Life will ALWAYS knock you down.” And then Les Brown said the line that changed my life. He said, “So when life knocks you down, make sure you fall on your back. Because if you can look up – you can get up.”
In all of my self pity and anger – in all of that ‘woe is me’ blather – I had forgotten to look up. I had forgotten to find hope in the fact that there was a reason for all of what I was going through. There was Someone bigger than me orchestrating this whole thing and this was happening because there was something for me to learn and accomplish in this situation.
And that’s when I discovered the key: When you shift your thinking, you change your life.
I began to focus on the positive aspects of what was happening. I knew I needed to find the right vehicle to create a new and different life for myself. A way to communicate in a new and powerful way that did not involve my voice.
To keep busy and fine tune my online skills, I began setting up web sites and blogs for a few friends and family members, and little by little I began setting them up for a few paying clients. And slowly I began to earn a little to cover my living expenses.
I was able to help others without needing to talk. Technology is amazing. Using Skype allowed others to talk to me and allowed me to respond right back to them – by typing in my answers. And over the next several months my confidence began to return and my outlook became more and more positive.
A Way To Empower Myself and Others
But that didn’t quite fulfill my need to share and empower others using my experience and skills.
So I began looking into other ways to make a difference – other ways to make a contribution. I was looking for ways to empower myself – so I could then empower others.
It didn’t take long before I found my answer.
I Began Coaching
Tapping into what I have studied and applied, I put together customized programs for others like me, who have lost their way, or need some help getting on track with their goals and dreams.
My business experience, as an entrepreneur, business consultant and former executive, gives me a tremendous foundation to apply my coaching skills to helping people take their business to the next level.
Others just need a fresh perspective on how to start on a new path, or learn how to set personal goals that they will actually achieve.
Helping Others Has Changed My Life
It has changed my outlook on life, my goals, my dreams, my relationships and my priorities. I have found the power to live my life with joy and freedom and be thankful for each day that I’m given.
And now here’s the best part …
I believe that when you have hope and faith and choose to wake up every single day grateful for all you have been given, the life you know can change. What I am learning every day with is helping me create a new way of thinking. And every day that I help someone, brings a satisfaction and joy that is incredible.
It is my passion – and my dream – to help you discover the possibility of what YOU can achieve. Every day I wake up and choose to love my life, to live my life and to make the most of my life. Every day is precious. Today is what I have been given.
So here I am … Once again living my dream. Now it’s a different dream than I had before, but it’s a dream I love – in a life that I am building.
What I’ve Learned Can Help You
What is your dream? Today is the perfect time for you to get started … So don’t wait another moment.
If you’d like to learn more about my coaching and consulting program, please visit my coaching page and contact me for a personal consultation. Our initial meeting is absolutely free.
Then you can begin to change your life – for the better as I have. Personally and financially. Growing. Doing More. Feeling Happy and Fulfilled. Enjoying Personal Freedom and Financial Success.
And I’ll be here with you every step of the way. Helping you succeed and grow too! That’s a promise.
Lori Larson