Today’s Minute with Maxwell was so inspiring and challenging that I just HAVE to share it with you. Today’s message is exactly what “Living Your Dream” is all about!
It’s not just about what benefits I receive from it.
It’s about how what I am learning, and how my personal growth will help others find their dreams as well.
When I help myself, then I can help you. You can then help yourself so you can help others. And the “pass it on” that we begin will generate hope and excitement for the possibilities in ourselves and others. And that becomes contagious. It begins to change us – and those around us – One person at a time.
Together we can truly Live Our Dreams in an incredible way. One that makes a difference in our lives – and also in the lives of others.
Let me help coach you to success.
Living my Dream,
Hi Lori
I enjoyed your post and video…
Appreciate your share of it!