believe its possible canfield dream believe achieve

4 Steps To Creating A Better Future

You want to begin living your dream, but you’re just not sure how to begin.

Here are four simple steps to begin creating a better future.

Step 1: Take inventory.

Creating a vision for yourself and your life first requires you to ask yourself “what it is that gives my life meaning, purpose, and joy?”

Look to your talents. Look to your abilities. What makes you smile the instant you think of doing it? It is not difficult to determine what your special ability, gift or interest is. Simply ask yourself: “What do I look forward to more than anything else in the world?”

whats your dreamStep 2: Tap into your imagination.

Now that you have decided to take action by creating a list of your talents, interests, and joy activities, it is time to form a vision around them.

You do this by doing what every child on earth has the power to do at will: Simply use your imagination to create your reality! Start dreaming of all of the ways in which you can spend your time doing what you love. Do not worry about making sense at this stage, just dream as if you were a child again.

Step 3: Set your goals.

Once you have decided what you want to do to create a better life for yourself by developing a vision, the next step is to set goals that will serve as stepping stones toward fulfillment of your vision.

You can start setting these goals by asking yourself questions like: What do I want to accomplish in my life? What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind? What would I do if I had all of the money in the world? Make sure your short term goals are realistic and the rest – big! Be clear, meaningful, well defined, and make sure your goals EXCITE you!

Step 4: Enjoy the journey and pay attention.

As you begin each new day, always keep in mind everything that you have written down and envisioned for your better future. You may not have the means to immediately jump into your goals and plans. But, you can still start working towards a new reality by thinking of the outcomes and moving one step at a time toward your dream.

Of course you may still have to go to work in the job that you would rather not have, deal with some problems, and do the things you must do that you would rather not be doing, etc. However, your job now is to do them with vigor, with excitement, “knowing” that your future will change according to your vision as soon as you begin taking action.

I know you can do this.

Start Living Your Dream – Today!

Living my Dream,



My coaching program can help you discover and start living your dream. Contact me today for your free session.

live your life imagined

Living Your Dream … One Step At A Time

No matter how ambitious your dream, you CAN achieve it. You do it by taking one step at a time.

Here are a 5 simple steps to help you:

1. Visualize Your Dream: The first step is to create a mental picture of your goal. Get very clear on what you want. Are you gaining a new skill? Hitting a new revenue goal? Landing a new important client? See and feel it.

2. Define Your Dream: Be very precise and write your dream down. Outline how much and by when. Add in specific information and resources (money, marketing materials, software, etc.) you will need to acquire to achieve your dream.

3. Post It: Put a copy of your written dream – or better yet, an actual picture of your dream – in a place you can easily see it: next to your desk, on your mirror, in your wallet… Read it or look at it several times throughout each day.

4. Find or Ask For Support: Who can help you achieve your dream? Who are your cheerleaders? List the people and companies you will need to contact for assistance.

Act Dream Plan Believe5. Make a Plan: When a dream seems too big, we tend to procrastinate because it is too overwhelming. Breaking it down and focusing on one piece at a time makes large dreams more attainable. Develop a series of action steps with dates attached. As you finish each task, check it off and acknowledge yourself.

That’s it — five simple steps to achieve anything.

As you move along, enjoy the journey.

You are learning, growing, and accomplishing. Take time to appreciate your progress.

Living your dream does not happen by accident. It is a series of intentional small steps, proper planning, and a stubborn commitment to make it happen.

Here’s your challenge for today!  Take Action to start Living Your Dream

ACTION STEP: You can begin right now! What do you really want to achieve? Write down your dream. You CAN do it!

Living my dream,



Let me help you live yours.

we become what we think about Nightengale

What Do You Think?

Have you noticed how seldom you are asked “what do you think?”

I know I am usually bombarded with advertisements and emails that tell me what I should think.  Rarely do they ask me what I think.

I’m reading an incredible book by John Maxwell entitled, “How Successful People Think.” It is an inspiration and a challenge to me to not only ask myself “what do you think,” but also to look at how I think.

Maxwell states that truly successful people set aside time to think.

Without proper time invested in thinking, dreaming, rethinking, mentally designing and evaluating, we won’t be able to generate new ideas effectively.

And I believe this is especially true for entrepreneurs like you and me.

ChangeYrThoughtsWe need to spend a little time each week just thinking. Working mentally on new ideas, enhancements for things we have in the works, reinventions of what isn’t working.

If I Change My Thinking … I can Change My Life!

Everyone is talking these days about mindset – and don’t get me wrong – I believe that our mindset is critical! It’s the foundation for everything.

But I’ve been challenged by Maxwell to spend time thinking. To train my mind to generate and evaluate possibilities. And my attitude and mindset is the basis of how these possibilities will be presented to me.

If I’m determined to Live My Dream – and I am – I must dream and think productively about what that life is, and then take action to make it happen. My thoughts will become things, but nothing will happen for me unless I think it and then do it.

I don’t know about you, but if my mindset and my thoughts create my world, then I need  to be proactive and productive when it comes to my thinking.

As Eddie Rickenbacker, WW1 flying ace, said, “Think things through – then follow through.”

In my business of coaching, training, and motivation, it’s critical that I am constantly learning and challenging myself. It’s what keeps me growing as a person, and gives me new perspectives to enhance my interaction with students, clients and others. My goal is to pass on what I’m learning and help myself and others to do something more, something better, that will take all of us to where we are each living our dream.

My plan for today is to set aside some time to just think and dream. I’m going to set up my “thinking place” (as Maxwell calls it), where I will go to spend quality “mental time” with my thoughts and dreams.

So … Let me ask you again …

What Do You Think?

Let me challenge you to answer that question and then take specific steps to positively impact your mindset. Then, use your mindset to generate ideas and dreams that will get you to your dream.

I know we can do this.

Have a beautiful day!

Living my Dream,




Click here for a link to if you’d like to own a copy of How Successful People Think, by John Maxwell.




Little Known Secrets For Creating Your Dream Life

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a guaranteed route to success?

Well … I can’t give you any guarantees, but here are a few secrets that I’ve learned. And, if you follow them … You Will Succeed.

Ok – here’s the first secret.

secret-of-your-success daily routine1. It’s Not Easy – But It Is Simple

You need to be able to follow directions. Not everyone can.

But if you are able and willing to listen to some training and then do what you are asked to do … You will succeed.

Here is secret number two.

2. Consistency Is Key

Following the directions includes doing the steps each and every day. It means taking action on what you know you are to do, even if you don’t feel like it, even if you’re tired, even if it’s not working – yet.

Because if you do what you are asked to do, consistently and with perseverance and determination … You will succeed.

Secret to ChangeSecret Number Three.

3. You Can Do This

I believe in you. But most importantly, you have to believe that you can do this, and trust the training and the guidance you will be given through my coaching. The only thing that can stop you from succeeding is you.  

If you can see your dream and have faith in yourself and in the process …

You will succeed.

And, here’s Secret Number Four.

4. You’re Not Alone

secret to success supportI’ll be there for you every step of the way.  I’ve tapped into incredible training, motivation, encouragement and events and will be sharing everything that I have learned to help you reach your goals.

What I found over the years is that everyone needs a little help at times, and that it usually helps fuel your success when you have an accountability partner. It helps to have someone who has been where you’ve been and can help point you in the right direction. It often works best when that person is impartial and outside your usual source of influence.

If you take advantage of what I can teach you … You will succeed.

Do you want to start living your dream?

Let me help you start right now.


Living my dream,
